Camping is an activity done all over the world from all walks of life. The RV or recreational vehicle has made camping easier and for more enjoyment. Most RV’s feature all the comforts of home and some higher end campers are full of luxury. There are five different types of RV’s on the market today. Size, amenities and price all vary depending on the vehicle you choose.
Class A is a Motorhome resembling the design of a bus, with a flat front and large windows. These homes can be customizable and can be used for long-distance travel for musicians or leisure camping trips for families.
A Class B or a Camper Van is your conventional van with a raised roof. They are compact and can fit into a normal parking spot. Equipped with the normal amount of amenities, kitchen, bathroom and sleep facilities, these are great for short trips and are sometimes used as a second vehicle.
Class C classifies a Mini Motorhome. They are a mix of both class A and B, with a Motorhome feel and amenities but a Camper van look with some additional space. It has an over-cab bunk and can be found in various lengths.
For something much less expensive, the Conventional Travel Trailers or Wheel Travel Trailers are most commonly seen and most affordable. A Conventional Trailer can be towed by a car, van, crossover or truck, while the Fifth Wheel can only be towed by a pickup truck with a special hitch.
Both have several size ranges and can be customised to your liking.
Whatever camping or activities you and your family participate in make an RV part of the trip.
Emma Ward
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