Most people like to think that they can handle a simple task like buying an automobile. However, the information, pressure and excitement, especially for young drivers, can be overwhelming. At times you may only be thinking about taking a particular car out of the showroom as quickly as possible in order to hit the roads. When you feel like this, you throw common sense out of the window. Here are five tips to ensure you make a sensible vehicle purchase.
Be Well Prepared
The best way to handle the process is to do your research before you start test driving any cars. You are bound to be given tons of unsolicited advice and receive plenty of useless information from unqualified sources. So, go online to find out a few things for yourself. Start by checking the prices of available cars, then go through their specifications, listing strong points and weaknesses. There are plenty of websites that can help you do this research quickly and for free.
Keep your Budget in Mind
Many people end up paying a lot more than they can sensibly afford for new vehicles. You will be given plenty of financing options by your bank, auto manufacturers and salesmen. These are all designed to get you spend more money. Securing auto finance is only the first stage, however. You must remember that you will eventually have to pay it back. So, keep your budget in mind and stay clear of automobiles that are over the price you can realistically pay.
Car Salesmen Are Not Your Friends
Teenagers are inexperienced in many things and dealing with seasoned salesmen who appear witty and kind is one of them. They know how to charm even the most jaded customers. Remember that they are not your friends, even though they may be very friendly with you during their sales patter. Prepare your questions in advance and never hesitate to ask them to get as much information as you can. Don’t let them run the show, patronise or pressure you.
Think about safety
You may be overwhelmed by all the latest gadgets, shiny dashboards and number of cup holders inside the car. According to statistics, however, young drivers have a high chance of getting involved in accidents in their first year of driving. Therefore, a car’s safety features are one of the most important details you should be looking for.
It could be better to buy a new auto for a teen driver. These will have all the latest safety and security features that may one day save lives in the event of a crash. Also, they will be a great help when it comes to insuring the car. If you really cannot afford to buy brand new, try to choose as new a used car as possible. There have been a lot of safety improvements made since 2012, so you should aim to find a car that is no more than two years old.
Think about Insurance Costs
Another great benefit of buying a safer automobile is that it is cheaper to insure. We all know how expensive young drivers auto insurance can be. Therefore, you should never buy a car without checking insurance costs first. You don’t have to own the vehicle to get quotations from various insurers. And you can get quotes quickly and easily on the internet.
Many people made the mistake of falling in love with a particular car and buying it on the spot. Then they realise pretty quickly that they have to pay a higher insurance premium than the cost of the automobile. Premiums are one of the largest costs of vehicle ownership. Think ahead and be smart throughout the process so that you don’t suffer in the long run with too many extra expenses related to actually rrunning the vehicle after purchase.
Emma Ward
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